Flexibility & Mobility
Our flexibility class is all about increasing mobility, general movement and of course increasing our range of motion. The class will focus on lower and upper body flexibility and aim to get out clients to move and feel better. It involves some rehab based muscle activation and deeper stretches, suitable for beginners and more advanced clients.
Tumbling class is aimed to build plyometric strength, body awareness and work on tumbling skills. These include, forward/ backward rolls, front sault, back and forward handsprings, round-off and cartwheels, standing back saults and anything in between. Beginners will focus on drills to work on body awareness and safe progressions into these skills. Advanced client will focus on correct technique to correctly perform more advanced sills.
Cali Strength
Callisthenic strength focus is on increasing general strength and the prerequisites required for harder strength skills such as, muscle up, planch, human flag and lever work. You will gain stability in working strength overhead movements, build up your push/pull strength and learn the correct technique to be efficient for those more advanced skills.
Core Stability & Handstands
Handstand and core class is about building the position for our handstand based skills. Having a strong core creates the correct handstand shape and prevents any injuries occurred by having pressure on the wrong part of the body. Beginners will have a big focus on building that shape and learning to be confident being upside down. More advanced clients will work on how to correctly balance the handstand, how to enter and exit safely and build on handstand skills such as, press handstand, pivots and walking.